
Bird Decal Giveaway- Contest- Follower Appreciation

I purchased these bird decals a few weeks ago and wrote a post about them HERE.
I am so happy with the final results.
Everyone who’s seen them has complimented them and said the words I love to hear- 'they really look as if they are flying out the window'- I have also been told that they make more of an impact in real life than in the photos I took.
After almost a month they are still sticking perfectly. As I mentioned my wall is textured and something that I didn’t mention is that they receive direct sunlight for several hours a day- I mean serious desert sunlight.
Walldecors makes hundreds of wonderful designs in many colors made to order.
I am so pleased to host a giveaway by Walldecors for these black bird decals.
To enter to win you must be a follower of Lady Of The Arts and post a comment here for this post.
For additional entries:
Please let me know what posts of mine you like best and why (leave a separate comment for each one).
I encourage you to visit Walldecors and peruse their lovely designs- Remember not all wall decals are created equal and I, Ren- Lady Of The Arts-stand by these.
Thank you so much to Walldecors- I really appreciate your support.
This giveaway is open to everyone everywhere- and subject to my discretion at all times. 
I will have my fabulous monkeys pick a name out of a hat on July 22nd 2010- this contest is open until then- Good luck!


jeanette from everton terrace said...

Great giveaway! I'm a relatively new follower so I don't have too much history to go by on the favorites but I love reading about your travel and I appreciate tips on what not to miss. I keep a folder. Architecture posts are nice as well.

Ren- Lady Of The Arts said...

Aw thanks- that's very helpful!
I love your travel posts too- and the food photos- yum!

Hilary said...

Well I really like those tree decals. I just finished painting a tree mural and have been asked to do another. The trees are really fantastic!

Stéphan said...

I like the WORLD MAP a lot. I think it would be a perfect fit in my living room above the couch...

k said...

WHAT A COOL GIVEAWAY! ok i'll stop yelling. :)

Christine said...

I love WallDecors - I've been to their Etsy shop countless times, looking at all the gorgeous options. I'm most drawn to the trees - probably the birch trees, but love the world map as well.... so many options. As for which of your posts I love, obviously the one on Sophiebelle :), also thought your post where you organized all your books by colour had an amazing visual impact, and loved the recent post about Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros - made me want to drop everything and run to San Francisco...

Silver Strands said...

I'm a follower and would LOVE to win this!

Ren- Lady Of The Arts said...

Hilary- Welcome and I would love to see photos of your trees!
Stephan- I do too- It would look perfect!
Krystal- I thought you would like it and these won't fall off!
Christine- Thank you so much! Really appreciate you having some favorites! They are going to Canada arn't they?
Silver Strands- I am so happy you are here!

essbesee said...

I am indeed a follower, but you knew that. My fave posts of yours are film reviews, farts and crafts and your recipes even though I don't cook). I dug the recent Koons and Gehry posts too.

love those birdie decals. Though, i don't know if i would be as adept as you at placing them artfully.

Bo said...

Enter me! These are really so cool.

Bo said...

I actually really enjoy reading your blog...there are two posts that really stand out to me...you did a post on an artist who did sculptures that looked like piles of trash, but the shadow cast by it made a scene on the wall...I was inspired to actually pull out a light and tried to pose my dogs to take pictures of their shadows...I was very unsucessful! Then you also inspired me to organize my book cases. Mine didn't look near as good as yours.

Ren- Lady Of The Arts said...

Sherri- I had a feeling you liked the farts and crafts.
You could always ask one of your monkeys what direction the birds should go!
Bo-thank you so much everything you said warmed my heart- I was also so inspired with the shadow art- I want to do the shadow photos of the family- it's on the list- I am sure your books look great- Would love to see them!?

Grace said...

I just signed up as a follower. I kind of thought I already was... I read all your posts.

I like the art related posts and the photos you take around town. I particularly liked the Venice canal photos.

Sybil said...

i need to put design in my walls!!! these are so great!!!i'd love to win this!!! :D follower here!


Sybil said...

i really love your feature on serendipity since it's been a dream of mine to be able to eat in that place!! :D yum yum desserts! :D


ilovemyhouse said...

Yes i love wall decor. Love the one with the world and the plane. I commented on your Jeff Koons post but something went wrong there i'm afraid. Loved Jeff Koons with his exhibition with Ciccicolina in Amsterdam. A bit naughty but so great. XX

Unknown said...

I love wall art decor! makes a room special! Now I follow you.

sarahrl at hotmail dot com

fisiwoman said...

Enter me please! Thanks you very much for the giveaway!

Ana Belén R.M
fisiwoman at hotmail dot com

I'm a new follower via GFC, as fisiwoman

Sherry Go Sharing said...

I am follower sherry

blogged http://iluvcontest.blogspot.com/2010/07/bird-decal-giveaway.html

sherrygo at hotmail dot com

natural selection said...

These decals are really nice. anything creative that brings nature into the home I support wholeheartedly. If something nature inspired is the first thing you see in your home, it plugs into the interface of your brain and provides for inspiration or memories of the past,perhaps your first ever sunset in the countryside.

Art and music, reading and writing, preparing food,and people with ideas are essential to society and would be unbalanced without. I would rather have my latte in the morning and watch a juggler perform in my garden than read the paper. ;)

Nice Blog!
Ciao Bella!

Starved Fashion said...

i'm following you!
thanks for the giveaway
karitsaj at gmail dot com

Clair said...

It would be impossible for me to choose a particular subject or post. All your posts are great BECAUSE I learn something new-
each and every time. I am sending a heart felt THANK YOU for the effort you put into your research and write ups.

Coryanne Ettiene | Kitchen Living with Coryanne said...

I just love your giveaway, I would love to enter. Thank you so much for popping by and visiting my site, looking forward to getting to know you in the future. I have recently discovered decals and love them, am a new follower.

All the best, Coryanne


Dani G said...

Ren, I love these things. Little Bird's room is decked out in decals, too. You can see for yourself when you come visit!!

Diana Mieczan said...

Wall stickers are so cool and those birds really look very cute! Thank you so much for your lovely comment and I cant wait to read more of your blog:)
Hope you are having a wonderful day and see you soon!

Lady Grey said...

These are so gorgeous!
What I love most about your blog is how eclectic your posts are... you always have such interesting pictures.

I know that's not very concrete, but it's the truth ; )

nitzan said...

i love loxal market..i like this post-

nitzan.sc at gmail dot com

Anna said...

I love the bird decal. Enter me. :)

Silvia said...

I simply came by to thank you for the Comment you left on my Blog...i very much appreciate it:0)

Kaylovesvintage said...

nice blog..music ,art...well done
great to find out about Jett Koons and I guess I love his work

Royalpaca said...

Beautiful giveaway, but besides that you run a tight blog! Congrats, 'cause I know it takes time and dedication!
Your entry "Mao" , I enjoyed to discover, as well as "Guggenheim".
You're a very intersting read and am happy I fell upon it :)

Art Kat said...

Your decals are amazing, following

duhnellecarter [at] yahoo . com

Chavon said...

Such a nice Giveaway! This would be just perfect for my bare bedroom walls! Fingers are crossed! Thank for the opportunity!

Katie said...

just started following, what a great giveaway!

Sidewalk Chic said...

Thank you for hosting this giveaway -- I'm a new follower. These would be perfect for decorating my new apartment. I love the detailing on them. :)

Static White said...

I'm new to your blog, just started following, but I am definitely browsing through and look forward to more! Especially the art and travel posts.

C'est La Vie said...

what cute ideas, i'm saving this post and making my own birds! lol

Tayebug said...

Great giveaway! Enter me, I'm a new follower!

Heather Taylor said...

Following! I love the world decals and the birds too, so torn between the two! The world might just win out because I love to travel.

Surge said...

I am a follower as surge w timesurge(at)live.ca

contact email: tsgiveaways(at)hotmail.com

Jamie said...

I am a follower! Love those decals and they're really spice up my walls!

Unknown said...

I love those decals..It's really nice to have one in my bedroom! :)

I follwoed you via GFC.
My email address is:

Damla said...

I follow (follower name is Damla).

annabell_lee_dk (at) yahoo.com

Lenore @ Lather. Write. Repeat. said...

Yikes I forgot to enter! Thanks for reminding me - you did a fab job with those birds!


Julie said...

I follow your blog as jelaws5

Jenny Bolech said...

I'm a new follower - thanks so much for the giveaway! I don't usually like vinyl decals but these decals are so cool!
They would look fantastic in my house, or maybe in my sister's new apartment :)
jenny.maurer84 at gmail dot com

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