
Make Your Own Pizza- Use Up Leftovers

I run a tight ship with food.  I HATE wasting food.  I believe that not only is it the responsible thing to do for the environment- and compost food that must be disposed- but I believe it is the responsible thing to do as a person that lives without needing to worry where my next meal comes from.  This is something that I take seriously and want to pass on to my monkeys.  I save even the smallest amount of leftovers-
So what do you do with small amounts of leftovers that don't constitute a meal and be something your family will eat?
I've written HERE about a great meal to make with leftovers-
Another favorite is 'make your own pizza'.
You can purchase pizza dough at most grocery stores, make your own or use pita bread or tortillas.
If you make cute little bowls full of ingredients you might be surprised by what your family ends up putting on their own creations.  Great meal to make with friends too!

We put out tomato sauce, cheese, leftover Italian sausage, two pieces of ham chopped up and leftover veggies: carrots, kale, squash

 Everyone is happy- food is not wasted and even leftover pizza is a great snack! 
What are some of your favorite 'use the leftovers meals'?


Lenore @ Lather. Write. Repeat. said...

Yum, good idea! I hate wasting food too...especially veggies. So whenever it's close to grocery shopping time and we've got lots of small bits of older veggies - I spray em with olive oil spray and salt and pepper and roast em in the over for 40 mins. Then we have them over rice, over couscous, over pasta or alone with grilled meat. So good!


jeanette from everton terrace said...

I don't like any kind of waste, time, money, feelings, energy and especially food. I often make a frittata with various bits of leftovers. Sometimes we just take out all the leftovers and eat strange assortments for dinner or weekend lunches. It's hard because there are only two of us so there are times when we are eating the same thing for days :)

Clair said...

Yummmmmmy-wish I could share some.

Ana Degenaar said...

Love left-over meals! Yum!

Hannah {Culture Connoisseur} said...

We make pita pizzas to use up our leftover veggies usually. Sometimes I throw fruit that is about to go bad into a smoothie one morning.

Amber said...

this is a clever idea on how to use up leftovers. I will have to try it out.

Erika Lee @ A Tiny Rocket said...

how super cute! and what a great idea!

Bruce Barone said...

I use left-overs all the time. Often on pizza. Tonight I am using left-overs and will post recipe later.

Nikki said...

OOh, I'd love that! What are leftovers? My Husband eats like a family of 4...we couldn't afford kids.

Bad Joan said...

Looks like such a fun family activity! Glad to hear you don't like to waste food either!


A Crimson Kiss said...

I love a leftover pizza on pita bread-they're delicious! I also like to throw things into lunch quiches, but I've also gotten pretty good at making only as much as we'll eat!

Mia said...

I agree - waste makes me feel almost ill. It means buying carefully too! Food is eaten too quick in our house for leftover pizzas but it is a great idea, I'll have to maybe reserve some leftovers for that.
PS your monkeys are looking like twins lately!!

Corinna said...

Great post! I hate to waste food, and well I love pizza so what a great way to put leftovers to use!

Anonymous said...

ummm... yummy!
Love your blog!;)
I'm following you now, I hope you follow me too! xx


Lady Grey said...

My husband and I love make-your-own pizza nights!

Pat Tillett said...

I hate to wast food and this is a very good (and tasty looking) use for leftovers. We seldom ever throw away food.

:: Lavender's Green :: said...

We try our hardest to only buy what we think we will eat during the week. I pre-plan meals to make sure we don't buy things we won't use. But, on the chance that it does happen I want to adopt my friend's 'Bottom of the Fridge Curry' idea!

If I promised the Mr pizza every time we had left-overs, he'd make sure we had left-overs every week, haha.

x Jasmine

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