
Push by Sapphire

I am ready to see the film Precious. I have been preparing myself and I wanted to read the book first. I read the book in two sittings. It is very short.

For those of you who don’t know- Push is the tile of the book by Sapphire and has been made into the film Precious. The protagonist Precious Jones is a black American girl who has suffered incest, by both biological parents. It is truly gut wrenching. It is nauseating. It is sometimes hard to read and I think that is part of why I read it so quickly.
Here are a few quick thoughts about the novel.
Sapphire writes the novel in a callow phonic verse. As the character grows and learns the words progress. It was not at all difficult to follow; in fact it enhanced the experience of losing oneself in the story. I an curious to see if this novel is translated into other languages and how this will be done. 
Sapphire writes in a lyrical prose which is comparable to the spoken word style of poetry performance. This talent radiates an otherwise dark story.
Finally, this story gave me a glimpse into a life that I have never had to endure. The story is a layered look into the lives of how despicable people affect others.  It is a story about the people whom society often overlooks.  It is ultimately a story of survival although clearly getting out unscathed is not an option.
I will never be the same after reading this book and I would imagine neither will you.


ALFIE said...

i have not brought myself to pick up this book yet. it seems like such a web of heavy and inspiration-- and i feel like i need to be ready to absorb it.

do let us know how the movie is!
and thanks for the lovely words on my blog :)

Bo said...

I have not read the book, but I have watched Precious. It was one of the best movies I have ever seen. Some parts were disturbing to watch and at times I didn't want to watch anymore. Other times I felt very excited for her. The movie really draws you into her world. It made me so thankful for the life I have.

Ren- Lady Of The Arts said...

Alfie- It is hard to absorb but worth it- I will write about the film when I see it.

Bo- I am thankful for the life I have too- The book really made me stop and think about that, as I'm sure the film will.

Can't wait to see the film!

Guusje said...

Nice to meet you!
x g

Anonymous said...

Sounds heart wrenching. I will wait until your review of the film
before seeing it myself.

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